Santiago Farrera' Blog
Monday, April 4, 2022
The Process Behind Making a Film Opening: CCR
Here I’m reflecting my experience during this project and I talk about what I learned doing it. I also reflect the techniques I used to create a more effective opening.
The Process Behind Making a Film Opening: Final Film
We finally finished the project! I'm really happy with this experience, I feel like I learned a lot and I'll be able to apply it to my life in the future.
Friday, April 1, 2022
The Process Behind Making a Film Opening: Updates
So... why did we have to make changes?
It's most likely that in everything we do, our plan isn't going to go perfectly. For example, when we were planning our opening we had the idea of adding more scenes and making the scenes longer, we even recorded these scenes and shots but we couldn't add them because of the time limit. Another reason we had to make changes is because we couldn't get an actress in the scenes that we wanted so we had to cut off the scenes that is actress. At the end we think that if we had a bit more time in the time limit we could've had a better and more effective opening because we would've been able to add the amount of shots and the scenes that we wanted to add but had to cut off.
What scenes did we have to cut off?
The most important scene that we had to cut off is the girlfriend scene. We felt that this scene added a lot to the opening since it showed that Dave wasn't even happy when he was with his girlfriend but was happy when he was making music, foreshadowing problems further in the film. We couldn't add this scene because we couldn't get the actress to go according to our schedule so it was difficult to film and we didn't want to rush this scene because it was important, so we decided to just cut it off. We also had to cut many shots from all the scenes that we wanted to show in the finished product. For example some shots from the studio scene that would have made it look better.
Thursday, March 31, 2022
The Process Behind Making a Film Opening: Editing
How did we edit our film?
Our main focus while editing was to show the contrast between Dave's life at work and his life when he is making music. In order to show this contrast we lowered the saturation in the scenes where Dave is getting for work and the scenes at the office. Lowering the saturation shows the darkness of his life during this time, which contrasts with the studio scenes in which he's enjoying himself. We then had to added the credits which we decided to use a font and color that would match the color of the hat that Dave is wearing at the end to have the same color scheme. The hardest part of the editing was matching the sounds with the video but we figured out a way that if we made it like a song it would be easier to fill the empty spaces without sound.
Editing our opening was one of the most important part of the project and since we have to use technology for it and technology isn't always reliable, we had many issues. The first issue we had was that many of the computers that we were trying to use wouldn't allow us to open Adobe Premier Pro which is the software that we wanted to use. We solved this by burrowing a computer from someone, however, this person needed their computer back before they left our city, so we had to finish editing before he left. Another issues that we had was that the sound didn't match what was displayed on the screen, so we had to make many edits in order to make this work.
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
The Process Behind Making a Film Opening: Filming Part 2
Me and my partner are finally done filming!!!
This week we were able to follow the schedule that we had planned and finished filming. We filmed the studio scene in Tuesday after school, and we knew it was the most important scene so we made sure that our shots were good quality and showed what we wanted to show. In this scene we decided to use a lot of color because it brought brightness to the scene, showing that music is what he likes doing. We used an LED lightbulb that changed color to make the scenes look better and more artistic.
Then after recording the studio scene, we wanted to be finished with filming so we went to the set for the office and filmed the office scene. We wanted to make this office look boring so we made sure that the desks and office as a whole was plain white and cleared so that it didn't show many details about Dave.
Sunday, March 27, 2022
The Process Behind Making a Film Opening: What I have learned so far
What did I think about this project before starting it?
Before I started this project I thought that it would be easy, that if I followed my plan, I would be able to finish this without any stress. I thought that my ideas were going to look exactly like they looked in my head and that it was possible to do every idea that I had in the span of two minutes. I also thought that two minutes seemed like a long time and it was going to be hard to get to that time and finding a plot that would give me an opening that would say the plot of the movie in that time.
What have I learned so far?
After planning and working on my film opening I have learned and realized many things. One of the main things I have learned is that time management is key in the success of a film. I also learned that for a film opening two minutes was really short, I had planned a very long opening that I had to cut many of the things we filmed because it was way too long. Another thing was the fact that many of the things that I had planned to do I couldn't do because they were too difficult to film or edit, so next time I'll have to think more realistically.
Overall I'm glad I made many mistakes now because it makes me better for my future projects and helps me learn to do a better job at solving and avoiding problems.
Saturday, March 26, 2022
The Process Behind Making a Film Opening: Schedule for new week
Why do we need a new schedule?
My partner and I have been having issues staying according to schedule due to traveling and other activities that have prevented us from doing so. Next week we will have to follow the schedule we planned because if we don’t then we won’t be done before the due date.
What’s the new schedule?
Day 1: March 30
Work on CCR script in class
Film studio scene in the afternoon.
Edit studio scene and morning scene
Day 2: March 31st
Film office scene
Finish editing studio scene and edit office scene
Day 3: April 1st
Work on CCR script in class
Film girlfriend scene
Edit girlfriend scene
Add sound to everything
Day 4: April 3rd
Record CCR and submit project and CCR.
The Process Behind Making a Film Opening: CCR
Here I’m reflecting my experience during this project and I talk about what I learned doing it. I also reflect the techniques I used to cre...
Me and my partner are finally done filming!!! This week we were able to follow the schedule that we had planned and finished filming. We fi...
Importance of Title The name of our opening is "It Comes in Waves". My partner and I realized that the name of our film was a very...
Importance of the sets in our opening and what locations we are using The sets and locations that we choose for our opening are very impor...